Archive | August, 2011

5 Practical Things I Miss While Shoestring Traveling

24 August 2011


Long-term shoestring traveling means giving up comforts from back home. Being without those comforts is exactly the point of traveling long-term. You don’t want all those silly comforts of modern civilization, have all the distractions and simply live in the moment. Because only when you strip yourself free of all comforts can you feel free […]

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Getting a Haircut in India

17 August 2011


One of my favorite things to do while traveling is getting haircuts in the most random places I can find. It’s just a great adventure sitting down on a seat without knowing what kind of haircut you will end up with. This time I found a hole-in-the-wall barber shop next to the Ganges in India. […]

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Indonesian Village Kids Showing off Snakes

13 August 2011


Traveling by public transportation in remote parts of Indonesia means a lot of waiting around. Waiting for the bus to show up, waiting for the bus driver to finish lunch, waiting for aunty drinking her tea before getting in the bus. All this waiting can drive you insane if you don’t know how to entertain […]

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Why Traveling With the Amazon Kindle E-Reader Rocks

11 August 2011


“Reading and Traveling makes you smarter” I’m a big believer in that statement. And a big part of getting smarter on the road is reading a ton of books. I read a lot of books, regardless if I travel or not. But there is simply no better time to read, then when you are kicking […]

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5 World Class Food Experiences You Can Easily Share With Your Mother

9 August 2011


“If the food’s good, everything else works out” What can I say? I live by that mantra, love good food and always look for the next new food flavor sensation. I’m even willing to risk spending a few days sick on the pot for a new tasty food adventure. But I also know that many […]

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