4 Reasons to Experience a World Class Desert

Written by Marco Morawec

Topics: Featured, Photos

Being in a desert is like going back in time and experiencing the struggle of civilization from the very core. No water, consistent food supply or even noise – the desert is the quintessential place to let your mind wander, think about life and finally find a distraction free place to listen to your very own thoughts.  Being in a desert is an amazing experience and something that I – as a surfer who gets nervous when he’s too far away from the ocean – would do time and time again. Especially for views like the one in the Wadi Rum Desert in Jordan…

If this view did not convince you to visit Wadi Rum just yet, let me tell you why you actually should spent a few days among camels, dunes, rocks and sand. Here are my…

Four reasons why you should spend time in the Wadi Rum Desert in Jordan.

Completely unplug
Peace of mind is what many people are searching for and having a heard time finding. I myself, try to quiet my mind through surfing and rock climbing.  In the desert it’s impossible not to unplug and relax. If you cannot find peace of mind in a desert, I doubt you can find it anywhere.

No phone, internet or news means you have time to listen to your thoughts without any distractions. Without any of those distractions you will live in the moment and feel like everything is slowing down. Life boils down the the bare essentials and you can let your mind wander, think about life and if you’re lucky maybe even hear your own thoughts for the very first time.

Hear absolute silence
Nothing to hear except your own breath. No birds, wind, anything. It’s complete silence like you’ve never heard it before. finding something that quiet is pretty eerie at first but beautifully meditating once you get used to it. The best way to experience this silence is actually to jump on top of a Camel and watch the magnificent landscape glide by you.

Watching a sunset followed by the night sky

I always loved watching sunsets, be it at the ocean, in the countryside or somewhere in the mountains. But watching the sunset in a desert is another experience all by itself. Only to be topped by the night sky and the billion of stars. With no artificial light around for miles and miles the night sky is absolutely stunning. Watching the sunset and gazing at the stars right after definitely beats the best I-Max movie you’ve ever seen in your life.

Going back to the roots
This is how real nomadic civilizations lived for tousand of years. In tents, with no running water and vulnerable to nature. Moving on top of camels and horses instead of buses, trains and taxis. The people in the desert are the quintessential nomads and there is much wisdom to be learned from them, especially if you call yourself a world traveler.

Oh, and before I forget…listening to your own thoughts does not cost you anything. So being in a desert is actually a good thing for your $25 a day budget!

Now it’s your turn: Do you think you would enjoy spending time in a desert?

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